Letter: UW grads, say 'enough'!

Letters to the editor

EDITOR: Enough is enough! I've been watching Gov. Scott Walker attack the beating heart of Wisconsin — the University of Wisconsin System — and it needs to end: now.

UW campuses like Green Bay are vital to the state.

I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stout in 2011 with a Bachelor's Degree in Information & Communication Technologies. I recall being surrounded by stellar faculty and administrators who supported my ambitions above and beyond what anyone could have expected. I now have a great career in a growing technology field with nothing but opportunity.

But now that's all in peril. Our education system, perhaps the most progressive in the nation, is now being threatened by a politician with one eye on the White House and the other on firming up his bona fides as a budget cutter.

Wisconsin has a rich history of funding K-12 as well as higher education. We have long been the envy of other states in our commitment to educating our citizens. But clearly this doesn't interest Gov. Walker, who is trying to take a carving knife to one of the best higher education systems in the nation with his proposed $300 million cut, the largest in UW history.

If we do nothing, if we stand by and let Gov. Walker crush the very soul of Wisconsin, the impact will be felt across every inch of our great state for decades to come. It's time for UW alumni across the system to stand up to Walker. It's time to stand up for Wisconsin. It time to say enough. On Wisconsin!

Matthew Kaskavitch,

Denver, Colo.

The author is a Wausau native who raduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.